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Best Tips & Tricks to crack NTA NEET

National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) which from is going to be conducted by
National Testing Agency(NTA). The official date of the NEET exam has been
announced as 1st Sunday of May.
The NEET exam is a national level entrance examination so a huge competition is standing
against you to fight for and if you want to get a good rank and get admission in your dream
Medical College, then this becomes a whole lot challenging.

Also,if you want complete information about NTA NEET – important Dates,Eligibility Criteria,Pattern,Syllabus,How to Apply,Marking scheme – Click here


Today, In this Article we are going to be discuss some most important Tips and Tricks which
will help you boost your confidence and crack NTA NEET.
So, Lets Start.


Following are the Best Tips & Tricks to crack NTA NEET:


1) Studying from the Right Books
NEET syllabus is very huge and since NEET follows NCERT approach, each line of NCERT book is equally important for you as questions can be directly asked based upon any line of NCERT book.
Now Reading Line by Line of NCERT books is very important if you want to conquer NEET but you still need some practice questions, revision of chapters via summary form and HOTS questions to boost your confidence in subjects. So, What can be done? Yes, Reading Multiple Books. True, Reading NCERT only thoroughly will help you pass NEET exam but if you want to beat the huge competition and achieve one of top ranks in NEET, you need much more than NCERT. So, Which Books you should be studying from?


Here are the list of 10 Best/Most Recommended Books for NTA NEET.  Click Here


2) Achieving Confidence
We all have heard quotes upon Confidence like “Confidence is the key”, “Confidence
is the key to success”, but what is Confidence and How does it Come?

Allow me to tell you, Confidence is nothing but the feeling you get after repeated
attempts and repeated attempts is nothing but Practicing again and again.

So, Confidence is basically another name of Practice.
Yes, To achieve Confidence, you need to practice a lot .Also, practicing will help you
come across your weak points and improve your overall subject knowledge. Now,
For Practicing, you require books which contain a huge amount of practice material .

So , Here are the 10 Best/Most Recommended Books for NTA NEET  . These
Books contain vast amount of practice question papers, MCQs and basically
everything required to crack NEET.


3) Time Management
Time Management is the secret formula which all the Toppers have used to score to
such peaks. So, What is Time Management? Does Managing the time like 1 hour for physics,
1 hour for chemistry, 1 hour for biology ,is called Time Management? No, Time
Management is setting up a goal and in order to achieve that goal, the necessary steps to be
taken everyday such that the goal gets achieved on time is called Time Management. Allow
to me explain.

We all have make study time tables like 8:00 am – Biology , 10:00 am- Physics … but Did
they work?? No, because We are humans, not robots and humans don’t work like this. If you
really are serious about cracking NEET, then sit, take a fresh piece of paper. Write your goal
above in big words. Write your strengths, your weak topics and make a schedule such that
what topics should be finished first and in what time limit? Example you take a Topic and
give it the time limit of 2 days. Now, the deadline is 2 days and you have to finish/master
the topic in 2 days at any cost doesn’t matter what time you wake up and start. You just
have to finish it in 2 days. The idea is managing Syllabus not time. You cannot manage the
time but you can adjust yourself with time, and that is the sole purpose of Time


4) Don’t forget your Health.
Reading the above point of Time Management, many may have started wondering to skip
sleep and even study at that time to complete topics. No, Please not like that.
Many of you will not be aware that your health, the foods you eat severely affect your
Mood and Mood definitely affect your productivity levels. So, if you are not eating properly,
not sleeping and waking up timely, it is nothing but a punishment you are giving to your
body. Health should always be your priority. Like, it is said “Health is Wealth”.


5) Having Faith in Yourself.
Last but not the Least , Always have faith in yourself. There is nothing in this world that you
can’t achieve. If people have achieved it in the past, then so can you.
So, These were the 5 Best tips which should always be kept in your mind if you want to
score to your full potential. All the Best for NEET .


Thank you.


Amit Book Depot wishing you huge success.

Comments ( 4 )

  1. […] 3) Time Management: Many of us try to manage time but always fail at the end. Because time cannot be managed. It is you who can adjust yourself with time. Same way, Try to manage the Syllabus with respect to time. Fix a new topic everyday and Try to learn, practice the most of the topic each day. For More Information on Time Management, refer to our article  Best Tips & Tricks to crack NTA NEET 2019 […]

  2. […] 3) Time Management: Many of us try to manage time but always fail at the end. Because time cannot be managed. It is you who can adjust yourself with time. Same way, Try to manage the Syllabus with respect to time. Fix a new topic everyday and Try to learn, practice the most of the topic each day. For More Information on Time Management, refer to our article  Best Tips & Tricks to crack NTA NEET 2019 […]

  3. […] So,Here are Some tips on HOW TO CRACK VITEEE 2019 : 1)Studying from the Right Books: To Crack VITEEE 2019, you must be studying from the Right Books. Studying from NCERT only will not help you crack VITEEE. You have study from multiple books which contain Past question papers, Hundreds of MCQs to practice, mock test papers, High Order Thinking Skills Questions. We will post an article on Best Books for cracking VITEEE 2019 on our website Stay connected always with us. 2) Achieving Confidence: We all have heard quotes upon Confidence like “Confidence is the key”, “Confidence is the key to success”, but what is Confidence and How does it Come? Allow me to tell you, Confidence is nothing but the feeling you get after repeated attempts and repeated attempts is nothing but Practicing again and again. So, Confidence is basically another name of Practice. Yes, To achieve Confidence, you need to practice a lot .Also, practicing will help you come across your weak points and improve your overall subject knowledge. Now, For Practicing, you require books which contain a huge amount of practice material and as mentioned in above point, for practice material, you have to study from multiple books. 3) Time Management: Many of us try to manage time but always fail at the end. Because time cannot be managed. It is you who can adjust yourself with time. Same way, Try to manage the Syllabus with respect to time. Fix a new topic everyday and Try to learn, practice the most of the topic each day. For More Information on Time Management, refer to our article  Best Tips & Tricks to crack NTA NEET 2019 […]

  4. […] is explaining you Smart Study. Now, Before we begin . I would suggest you to read our article on Best Tips and Tricks to NTA NEET 2019. Also, if you want to know more about NEET, Eligibility Criteria, Important dates, Exam […]

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